BREAD&CIRCUSES: Great Reset Humor Roundup (July 16, 2023)
Guess what this "lady" driving a $200k car does for a living, Biden vs. Putin holidays, Kamala attempts to talk about AI, Andrew Tate interviews, Roseanne on Ukrainian Nazis & more Great Reset humor!
For this week’s Bread & Circuses roundup, we all know what this “lady” driving the $200,000 car in LA does for a living (and so do ALL the commenters)… OTHER HIGHLIGHTS: State Department slip of the tongue - TWICE (“The war has been a strategic failure for Ukraine…”)… Roseanne Barr unleashes on Ukrainian Nazis who killed most of her family… Introducing a new sport (Hobbyhorsing)… Kamala attempts to talk about AI (artificial intelligence) and let’s the cat out of the bag when it comes to population control… How Putin is behaving right now… Biden vs. Putin holidays... Endogan as a Turkish ice cream man... Scantily clad women brawling in Vegas (and the comments…)…
And some final words summing up our Bread & Circuses world as the Great Reset continues!
You bet he knows…:
Well, she could also be big pharma executive…
Or had recently been dating Hunter Biden and just received a settlement…
Or she is or connected with a Ukrainian oligarch…
But actually, her name is Ski Bri… She’s a… hmmm… well… let’s just say she is an adult meme creator and podcaster…
And definitely makes more money than I do… And probably you as well…
Just check out her Twitter profile:
Of course, that video was probably completely staged…
But what is not staged are the hilarious comments under it:
And the comments go on and on…
As a girl's gotta do (what a girl's gotta do)… 🙄🙄🙄
Some Bread…
Tucker Carlson’s must listen to 2:30 hour interview with Andrew Tate (who the Matrix has detained in Romania on trumped up sex trafficking charges…) - plus its uploaded on Rumble at He is somebody who would NOT approve of women like Ski Bri and that’s one reason they hate him (plus he makes complete sense when you listen to him and NOT what the media says about him…):
Good highlights from the interview in this article:

Tate mentioned a BBC interview where Belarus leader Alexander Lukashenko just destroyed the interviewer. Does anyone know what interview this was? I see several come up when I search for them…
Here is a much longer interview covering even more ground - if you have 4:30 hours to listen to it…:
Mark Crispin Miller on the Jimmy Dore Show:
Part 1:
Part 2:
The Sound of Freedom trailer…:
Rosseane Barr unleashes on Nazi Ukrainians who killed most of her family during the Holocaust:
“The war has been a strategic failure for Ukraine…” State Department slip of the tongue - twice:
Do you mean nobody wants to be cannon fodder for the neocons in Ukraine, Middle East, etc???:
Lonely at the top:
Some Circuses…
(The Best of…)