BREAD&CIRCUSES: Great Reset Humor Roundup (May 7, 2023)
Racist Mexican jokes you better not think about laughing at, Cinco de Mayo memes & Mexican humor, Prince Harry again, Macron vs Assad among the people, Kamala's favorite line & more Great Reset humor!
For this week’s Bread & Circuses roundup, we celebrate Cinco de Mayo (which, apparently, is not even celebrated in most of Mexico…) and, as Jill Biden calls them, the Breakfast taco people with some racist Mexican jokes you better NOT even think about laughing at plus we remember The Three Amigos movie… Then we have 30 minutes of Mexican jokes (by comedians who all look Mexican…), Saturday Night Live on NAFTA, Mexican food, the Three Amigos, etc…, Family Guy does Mexico, South Park has Cartman joining the border patrol, some Cinco de Mayo memes, some sharp contrasts with Macron vs. Syria’s Assad when they are among their peoples… Biden’s Cinco de Mayo plus Jill and her breakfast taco people cringe flashbacks… Kamala’s favorite line that she can’t stop repeating in EVERY SPEECH… More Prince Harry antics and Princess Annie’s strategically placed big red feathered hat (plus the comments…).
And some final words summing up our Bread & Circuses world as the Great Reset continues!
Don’t even think about laughing at any of these racist Mexican jokes (or hitting my LIKE button or SHARING this post 😉😉😉) and I am surprised Youtube has not pulled the video no doubt posted a s public service warning about bad jokes (NOTE: I love Mexicans and their food - just maybe not their music when its too loud………):
You also could not make this cult movie today and laughing while watching it probably also makes you a racist:
This is interesting e.g. The Three Amigos took 6 years to complete as they had trouble finding directors (Spielberg left to do E.T.):
Some Bread…
Ben Bartee did a brief piece (UNREAL Dystopian Horror: Trans 'Woman' Lubes up Butthole, Inserts Tampon For Gender Equity) that has brought my attention to this video (Link:
But it was a good show:
I forgot about those tapes…:
The Grim Reaper allegedly paid a visit….:

This was an interesting article and the comments delved into the real problems with many malls that we are NOT allowed to talk about…:
The Best Of…
30 minutes of Mexican jokes - by Mexicans…: