I want a T-shirt Connecting The Dots Specialist ! I already got the Sharyl Attkisson 'I need a new conspiracy theory for all my old ones came true"

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C'mon, with all that’s transpired in the last three years — the declared “problem” prominently announced by “health authorities,” the fear-mongering “reaction” via endless and virtually identical reports by the MSM (a CIA operation known as “Mockingbird”), and the gov’t- and pharmaceutical-based “solutions” in the form of lockdowns and vaccine deployment — you’re still pushing the-virus-is-a-lab-creation bs? If all the other stuff is a lie, which you correctly and repeatedly show to be the case via these excellent memes (and why I subscribe to your site), can we put 2 and 2 together here and realize that "the virus" is also a lie (and as big if not BIGGER than any other)? Sorry to be a critic of an otherwise fun site, but I really wish you'd stop pushing the covid-is-real nonsense. The virus is a lie. It is THE lie of the last three years. There is no virus and never was. Thanks for listening.

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Whenever I read the words "conspiracy theorist", my mind immediately translates it to "truth teller".

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