In the 60s, the Russians were going to kill us all.

In the 70s, global cooling was going to kill us all.

In the 80s, AIDS was going to kill us all.

In the 90s, global warming was going to kill us all.

In the 00s, Al Qaida ws going to kill us all.

In the teens, nonspecific "climate change" was going to kill us all.

And no matter the crisis, the proposed "solution, has always been the same: More money and more power for politicians; higher taxes and more restrictions on liberty for the productive.

In the 20s, first Covid was going to kill us all, but now it's back to the Russians. And with the fools currently in charge of America, they just might.

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Very entertaining, as always.

You may want to get rid of those Time magazine covers though.

3 are about energy shortages and one is faked.

Nothing to do with global cooling.


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Maybe the energy shortages were caused by it 😅😅😅

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