Excellent. Thank you.

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Hi Dr Malone, Thanks for your comment & I appreciate all of your work! I have no idea if you know of a way to publish "COVIDsteria: An Oral History of America’s Great Reset" (https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/covidsteria-table-of-contents - Was going to give you a gift subscription BUT Substack wants my credit card to do that...) as an eBook (aside from Substack...) that does not involve me putting up a website or a platform like Amazon with me at serious risk of getting cancelled! I have several ideas for more Tales From the Great Reset to write (+novel ideas) BUT I have been busy lately + satire-fiction & Substack does not earn me much $... BUT we need more Ayn Rand, George Orwell etc type satire-fiction + way to reward writers for writing it IF we want to have a better shot of changing people's minds!

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Those disappearing working-age people and all other sudden deaths were caused by:

1. Putin

2. Trump

3. Climate change

4. Whistling

5. Gardening

6. Sleep postures

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