The dad going full "I'm a trans too!" was the best. And I believe it would work 99.9% of the time.

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Definitely! And having children call anyone or call anyone who pushes sex on them a groomer - would drive leftist teachers nuts!

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we are probably the last generation to see women be women and men be men. I know a few gay and lesbian people but you would not know if you passed them on the street. They do not openly show, and that is how it should be. Got nothing against them, one is among my best friends. But I do have something against these people who think they need to convert the world to their way of living. They also should never get access to children. Not in school, and not to be adopted. After I read a few weird stories about moneypox, they should also not have dogs.

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“The most widespread form of child abuse is the act of sending a child to a government school”

- Neal Boortz

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A woman bemoans her boyfriend’s decision to become Transgender. Listen to Turfseer’s country hit WALKING IN THE WOKE MAN’S SHOES; https://turfseer.substack.com/p/walking-in-the-woke-mans-shoes

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I have a suggestion. Bodybuilders inject themselves with testosterone. If anybody knows any adult bodybuilder tell him to contact the woman sending out free hormones and tell her he’s a 13 year old girl who wants to transition. Tell him to spread the word about this source of free testosterone, which they normally pay a lot for. The more of it that gets to the men, the less gets to confused girls.

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