I care as much about Chuck's new job as he cares about mine. I paid as much attention to the weddings of the British parasites as they paid to mine. Seems fair.

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unfortunately every Brit has to pay up for the charade and for all the offspring. He did not have a job but he did get paid royal wages. Like being on a super sized unemployment check.

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If I were an Englander, I would be upset at being taxed to pay welfare to the filthy rich, but as an American, it upsets me even more that I am required to fund the Bush/0bama wars.

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well they have to pay for the Ukraine war as well. I just heard from dad in Belgium that for every 100 Euro income he keeps 47. At least it is not that bad in the US (Belgium is the world;s highest taxed country and that is not even why I left LOL)

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Thanks! Got my daily fix. Have a great day.

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