the real journalists have left the sinking ship. Sharyl Attkisson, Tucker, and several more, are now independent and reporting what is going on.

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And don't forget Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald and Naomi Wolf were basically all libs who do actual journalism...

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Attkisson is dynamite!

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got all her Tshirts!

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There was a time, back when newsrooms were replete with fedoras, cigarette smoke, and the clatter of dozens of typewriters, when a journalist would dig and dig, investigating every possible lead, and getting all the facts he could before going to press with a story.

That time is long past. Today, journalists do not consider themselves searchers for the truth; they are there to push an agenda. And are well paid to do so. A story's veracity or lack thereof has now become irrelevant. If a story supports the assigned narrative, they'll air it without even trying to investigate it. They will report as true anything they want to be true, whether or not it actually is. Facts that contradict the assigned narrative are verboten.

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Goodbye and good riddance MSM propagandist!

To celebrate, enjoy this piece of satire.

CNN Trademarks Phrase "But What About":


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The press has been corrupted since the first press rolled out: Mark Twain despised them: "If you don't read the papers, you are uninformed. When you read them, you are miss-informed."

The events in Germany were covered-up by the NY Times. Mass killing were equally ignored. (Read "The Gray Lady Winked".)

Journalist relinquish their integrity; most are no longer investigating for the truth; to hold evil-doers accountable. Currently they parrot narratives, fake/fabricated news and leave a trail of the characters assassinated. PATHETIC CREATURES.

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the BBC lady on Disinformation and Health (??) looks really healthy (not!)

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Finally some positive news =)

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Time magazine lays off 15%of it's staff.


That's what you get for "fortifying" an election you fucktards.

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