Parents, take your precious children out of government schools.


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I don't think the government schools should teach how to "do your taxes." I think taxes should be simple enough and fair enough that graduates of government schools understand how to calculate them and why they are fair.

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Thank you, taxpayer! When taxes are so complicated that it takes an entire "season" and thousands of paid professionals to complete them, something is amiss. And when you have thousands of IRS "agents", ready to pounce on any perceived mistakes, you have a great system for keeping the populace in fear of the government.

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Taxes are not “fair”. Taxes are THEFT.

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I won't argue with you concerning current systems of taxation. But can you imagine any way of covering the costs of needed public services which you would consider "fair?" What would that be like?

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I think taxes should be LOCAL. Every county is different. Why should my taxes go to San Francisco?

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That makes sense, provided that there's some method local governments to pay a share of costs to benefit larger areas. For instance, counties throughout the US benefit from efforts to secure the US-Mexico border, and counties adjacent to the border don't have financial capacity to protect it. So some system is needed to pay for this.

That said, what I was hoping to learn from you is how you would configure a tax to be "fair." Would you tax incomes (and how do you define"income")? Retail sales? Services? Real estate? Financial assets? What else? What would you consider "fair?"

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