I lived in San Francisco in the 80s. It was nothing like what I read about today. Only the occasional junkie syringe in Golden Gate park, and a few beggars. Never saw crap or syringes on sidewalks. Like in any city, there were some places to avoid, but for the most part the city was beautiful, clean, and safe. Plus we had Joe Montana!

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I’m a third generation San Franciscan, born and raised.

What the Progressive, Marxist, Bolshevik, Commies have done to SF is an absolute disgraceful SIN.

London Breed should be tar and feathered.

I haven’t set foot in that hell hole in years. I’m keeping my memories of how beautiful that city WAS.

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I see Substack based in SF. I hope they are high enough above street level to avoid the smell. Oh, and this week an article circulated, that WEF wants to start making steaks from human poop! They must have started a business in SF too then! Free poop to use!

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Holy shit!!! 💩

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