glad to see that after the segregation I will be living in Texistan! (now GA)

if Americans still don't see that the resident is not their president, I don't know what would show them. As to the female judges, I can understand. Everyone hereabouts has Mexican gardeners.

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Are they Mexican or from a Central American country? I am sure Mexico has some very poor areas but otherwise is actually not that poor e.g. our manufacturing jobs not sent to China are in Mexico where they probably earn $1000 a month - not bad...

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The large family nearby is Mexican. They have a thriving pinestraw business. They have been here longer than I. 20 or more years. The new couple lived in Florida before and speaks no English and I only 5 words of Spanish 1

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ACB votes pretty liberal. Another negative for trump.

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Coz she is Catholic... Like the current resident in the WH... And probably has a hispanic gardener...

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