Thank you for the work you do compiling these memes/information. I've used them a number of times on my anonymous social media accounts. (I'm a nurse who's managed to escape the jab so far, but my employer has warned me several times about spreading "misinformation" on my SM.

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Isn't that called invasion of privacy, by your employer?

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I'd think so, especially since I don't have any identifiers as to who my employer is/where I work. I told them as much. Then I started getting called into the office to address "deficiencies" in my performance. I have one year left to go before retirement, am at the top of my pay scale and work in a great place with (gasp!) adequate staffing! Fortunately for me, the hardass boss left for another position and her replacement has been awesome (so far). We'll see when they re-institute mask mandates, which no doubt are coming soon. I don't think HE gives a shit but my snitch coworkers might be a problem. Oh well...counting the days, literally!

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