already decided 4 years ago I would not fly again, and that has nothing to do with the WEF crazy people trying to forbid us, but with 1. pilots having to take the jabs 2. the good ones quitting because they did not want to (and probably now all hired by the crazy WEF people who are in fact not so crazy) 3. the hiring of unqualified personnel

Of course I still will have to listen carefully and watch the sky for dropping airplanes LOL. Luckily I live in a place where very little planes come over, just a few a day to and from FLA

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I remember when flying was something I looked forward to, and I always dressed up! People wouldn’t THINK of going on an airplane with pajamas on, or sweat pants on!

When I was younger, I went to a hiring fair for Alaska Airlines to become a stewardess (30+ years ago). The money wasn’t enough, and I had to buy my own uniforms, so I passed.

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thankfully you did not get the job! you had to buy your own uniforms ! that is as bad as dollar general LOL ( I applied there years ago shortly after I came here, 6 bucks an hour, broken shifts, only working 38 hours a week so they did not have to pay benefits, and buy your own outfit. No thanks LOL)

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Exactly! When I was younger. I would have shoveled crap if it paid decent. I used to work 2-3 jobs at a time. My last job, I was forced to retire from, because I refused the test/jab after 23 years.

I remember when I was a waitress, getting lousy shifts. After a month of training, I left for a union job.

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this conversation makes me crack up, thanks for the giggle :-))

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Mary-Lou, I’m 60 today. It seems like I was 20 yesterday.😉

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perhaps 60 is the new 20...?

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