‘It’s crap’: Victorian study claiming mandatory masks stopped second wave shredded by experts
The authors of a “world-first” Australian face mask study that was ripped apart by experts as “very, very low quality” have issued a response to the criticism. https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/human-body/its-crap-victorian-study-claimi…
‘It’s crap’: Victorian study claiming mandatory masks stopped second wave shredded by experts
The authors of a “world-first” Australian face mask study that was ripped apart by experts as “very, very low quality” have issued a response to the criticism. https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/human-body/its-crap-victorian-study-claiming-mandatory-masks-stopped-second-wave-shredded-by-experts/news-story/aeb937d27ec5a79e6b728ade598f49ab