North Alabama here… And yes, we have Haitians… they are supposedly on work permits to work at a chicken plant, but then hang around downtown doing nothing. 🔥🔥🔥

I tell our kids now that if our dog starts barking, we investigate immediately! 😡😡😡

We also have a lot of homeless… Everywhere now. It’s not safe going out in the evening anymore.

Scary times we are living in 😳😬💩💩💩

Stay safe, everyone 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Tyson Foods? ... The Haitians are no doubt working for contractors who are getting a cut of their salaries for keeping them in line and exploiting them BUT then the Haitians are getting freebies from the gubment...

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May God and His mighty angels love you, guide you, and protect you always (He is).

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We ate cats on Melmac but when I came to earth I quit cold turkey. In fact, in season 3 episode 7 I ate a whole turkey raw.

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I remember that (Nanoo, Nanoo....)

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I watch my animals with argus eyes. thankfully no Haitians here, and the Mexican neighbors love their animals just as much as I do!

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These memes are brutal. Sometimes reality bites (no pun intended).

Here is a good one to watch…https://youtu.be/DOuNn-PI9j0?si=FebjiTcqh_BXU9La

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