Great compilation!!

■ The only reason I put up with #ZuckerBurger's #FaucistBook shawdowbanning: MEMES (Massively Explosive Multiplexed Expressive Shitposts!!)

● Meme: The real reason why most high schoolers don't chug a gallon of bleach when they get home.

- Person 1: What do you think about the new Kermit memes

- Person 2: Dude those are so good I dropped my bottle of Drain-O and grabbed some Lipton

—by DepressedHonorskid (17 Feb 2017)

● Meme: A repeatable and contagious exercise of wit, expressed in context through an adaptable template, to convey a humurous (sic) or quirky message within a specific cultural reference.

Memes are the pulp fiction of the new millenium.

—by MrCopacetic (10 Apr 2018)

● Memes: Memes are a lifestyle and art used by teens and adults who are willing to actually live a life that doesn't include depression. Technically the main reason half the world has not committed die.

- my friend: do u kno de wae tu ze spaghet memes ma brudda

- me: no stop

—by Bloxis (11 Nov 2018)

● Memes: The DNA of the soul

‘Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke. We are all pawns, controlled by something greater. Memes, the DNA of the soul’

—by SomeRetardedCVuser (15 May 2019)

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Visiting Commifornia in a couple of weeks. I'm going to share TF out of "deepfakes" in celebration.

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When you're getting flak, you're over the target.

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