Remember when trannies and carbs were car parts?

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It's kind of hard to not notice that straight Wokish women do not exist above a certain level of attractiveness.

As a perfect example, you will never, ever see someone who looks like Sage Steele going on about the need for "trans inclusion" unless she's being paid well or is too visually or cognitively impaired to appreciate her own mate value. That whole stance is a (perhaps-unconscious) tactic by lower-mate-value women to derogate the hotter, more athletically skilled female competition by besmirching the things they excel at with non-females.

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Just another reason I have no interest in online sports, Pro or college level sports - online or real time. Lost me even before the C19 craziness, the 'take a knee craziness'. Out of touch management and egotistical twats getting millions to play a GAME. It's even creeping down to HS level sports.

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