soon there will be none left to take the jabs, but for a few very strong elderly in retirement homes who get injected against their will, since all the young people who jumped on the wagon will have died or suffered so many illnesses, that another jab will not even come to mind (or it might, but in the other direction. What if that jab WAS responsible for this poor health?)

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I'm still puzzling over the push to inject animals. I get that the Weffers don't want us to have pets, and there's money to be made in clotshotting the pets, but what chain of logic leads to a push to clotshot wild animals.

Leo (good name for a wild animal rescuer) has brought to light a most interesting connection that animal conservation groups will need to push rainbow aims if the conservation groups want funding. And with LGBTQ being illegal in some African countries some of these activists are murdered. (What was Leo's casual word for *murdered*, as if it happens a lot?)

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True, there is the sense that not as many proud of the high number of clotshots they have had, and it would be rude to ask them as they would know that they were being ridiculed.

This next round of predicted mandates is going to be interesting. Will *new and improved* marketing work.

Mostly only seeing unwell looking people wearing masks.

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Public health authorities collude with State government to take away parental rights. Listen to Turfseer’s new hit song WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/without-your-consent

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