if the US was not already the laughing stock of the world, this surely will make it happen. Where are the American men? why do all high positions suddenly seem to be filled with (ignorant, unadequate) women? or with men dressed as women?

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Some of these should find their way into Trump campaign ads.

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These are priceless!!!!

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The best satire is the closest to the truth. Well done.

This outrage was particularly sad for me. I had many good times at the Butler County Fair and Butler Farm Show, one being flying in a helicopter, a funny story for another day. I also worked as an electrician at the Butler County Fair, wired the exhibit buildings and set the poles and strung the wire to change it from single phase to three phase power.

Now forever it will be the place where Trump was almost assassinated with one innocent father killed and two others seriously injured.

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I hope the Kitchen Team 6 photo of the 5 overweight Secret Service agents is a joke. Please tell me it is a joke. Not that there is anything wrong about it.....

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