WW3 started in 2014, when the US removed a democratically elected president in Ukraine and placed a jewish-russian entertainer instead. Provided he would start a war with Russia. They would deliver the weapons and all things needed, obviously including young men and women. I only have one advice: young people, none of you go to war to defend a country where you have no business. If 10 don't go, there will be no notice. But of NONE of them go, let Biden and his tribe go. And all those in Congress that seem to find Ukraine more important than their own country, what are you still doing here? Go fight for the country you love so much.

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I was just telling a couple of my teenage children the same thing. .it’s imperative they pay attention to what’s going on and start creating like minded groups and strategize/mobilize. Enough have to refuse to be drafted that President Vegetable Lasagna and the DOD don’t have the ability to do anything to the dissenters.

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hopefully a lot of young people will refuse ! Vegetable Lasagna LOLOL. Now I know what I am going to prepare tonight. I t will look alot better tho !

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I'm stealing a few of these. The situation with that attack on the beach in Crimea supposedly by the US is worrisome. Thanks for the laugh on a few of these...

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Awesome, as usual!

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Another Albert Einstein quote that seems fitting at this time

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