Never even heard about the menstruation fact ! Very interesting article. Very plausible. Luckily there were still some survivors to check on, and a few of their children. I read about people who deny the concentration camps, even though they are still there. Just unimaginable. A few days ago I even read about people who deny the moon landing. Yeez, I sat before the TV and watched the whole thing. I don't think there was a way to fake that.

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Some death bed confessions out there on the moon landing .

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other factors with a similar effect (amenorrhea) include severe physical stress and/or extreme weight loss from malnutrition, common occurrences in prison camps.

as for the moonlandings, well, the strange thing is those who didn't have a tv didn't know about them. they were very much a tv event, so how sure can we be they weren't staged or real?

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