COVID News (and Resources) That Conflicts With the Narrative (Mid December 2021)
Plus a bunch of resources that conflict with the narrative...
COVIDsteria: An Oral History of America’s Great Reset (Table of Contents) is a fictional satire along the lines of a Studs Terkel oral history or Max Brooks' World War Z published as a serialized book on Substack.
Some useful COVID resources
(Please also check out our continuously updated Community + COVID Resources as well as the FURTHER READING or endnotes section for COVIDsteria)
Courtesy of Steve Kirsch from They are mocking the people who believe the false narrative:
…read the articles on the substacks of people like Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone, Alex Berenson, Jessica Rose, Mathew Crawford, Toby Rogers, and el gato malo.
Dr. Eric Topol is Substack's newest Writer in Residence
If you haven’t added your displeasure to the nearly 2,000 other substack readers’ comments…
And courtesy of comments on the above article by Barry O'Kenyan:
“Those little birds also repost Dr Malone and many others. Thus, to save time, find those who post their own and repost others. (That was how I managed, gradually, to find my sources.)”
His list of daily reads - Just dump these links onto any browser.
With time permitting:
NOTE: Telegram has numerous channels which, in many countries, is the only resource available for those who are vaccine injured or want the truth…
And in this article, you can find the names and bios of Steve Kirsch's Team of Experts:
Feel free to drop more links to other resources in the comments section or on the Community + COVID Resources or FURTHER READING pages.
Some latest COVID news
Pfizer's History of Fraud, Corruption, and Using Nigerian Children as 'Human Guinea Pigs' [KanekoaTheGreat]
An industry plagued by decades of fraud, corruption, and criminality managed to quickly rebrand itself as the savior of humanity during the covid-19 crisis. [LENTHY AND EXCELLENT ARTICLE]
More complete list of Pfizer lawsuits:
One politician in Australia has the balls (naturally its Pauline Hanson of Queensland) to stand up to their COVID tyranny:
Meanwhile, in New Zealand…
Malaysia attempts to outdo the craziness in both Australia and New Zealand with this proposal: Government Plans To Treat Covid SOP Violations Worse Than Attempted Homicide
28X increase in stillbirths in multiple parts of Canada? (Steve Kirsch)
But get this... it's only happening to vaccinated moms. I wonder what is causing this? When Canada's top health official was asked for evidence, she said to trust the authorities.
Are >100 dead US airline pilots trying to send us a message about vaccine safety? (Steve Kirsch)
A list deaths published in the Air Line Pilot Association magazine shows that most of the deaths in 2021 happened after the vaccines rolled out. Are dead pilots trying to tell us something?
305 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 176 Dead, After COVID Shot
Here’s the latest death toll for athletes - Update 10 Dec: Added CJ McCollum, Adam Bounds, Stephanie Gard, Drake Geiger, chart updated, Demaryius Thomas, Brock Vogel, Keanu Breurs, Chuck “Kali Muscle” Kirkendall.
It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID shot. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID shot, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.
We've now killed close to TWICE as many kids from the vaccine as have died from COVID (Steve Kirsch)
No end in sight for that either.
Vaccines pose 7 times higher death risk than COVID for young people, Japanese experts warn
A review in the most recent issue of Med Check, a bimonthly bulletin published by the Japan Institute of Pharmacovigilance (NOPJIP) as a member of the International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB), found that the death risk of the jabs may even be as high as 40 times greater for young people.
Pfizer releases official Vaccine data on adverse events: 1223 deaths in first 3 months
RT STORY: Pfizer documents reveal variety of vaccine side effects
UncoverDC: First Cache of "Secret" Pfizer Docs Show FDA Knew of Death Risk
Just 90 days after the emergency use authorization (EUA) of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19, confidential Pfizer documents reveal nearly 160,000 adverse events related to the jab. Indeed, Pfizer—who agreed to the largest health care settlement in history in 2009—was well aware in Feb. 2021 that 1,223 deaths and more than 42,000 adverse reports totaling 158,893 adverse reactions had been voluntarily reported in numerous countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, France, and other nations.

Hospitalizations, Mortality Cut In Half After Brazilian City Offered Ivermectin To Everyone Pre-Vaccine (Zerohedge)

Meanwhile, in the USA…
The FDA is working with the post office to hold packages containing ivermectin. The FDA could better use its resources to, I don’t know, publicly release the docs submitted by Pfizer to license its mandated liability-free V earlier than 75 years from now! In this particular case, 1) 200 tablets at 12mg each and apparently no dosing instructions (according to a reply on Twitter) may be a reason this particular shipment got held up OR 2) they want us dead…
Tucker Carlson: This is the definition of a manufactured threat
There has never been a more selfish and shortsighted leadership class

Fauci: Make your holiday guests prove they are vaccinated…
In private emails between Mark Zuckerberg and Anthony Fauci – obtained exclusively by The National Pulse – the Facebook founder and CEO offered to send “data reports” on users to “facilitate decisions” about COVID-19 lockdowns.
Things that make you go hmmm…
REAL STORY: What the Church-owned Deseret News is not reporting is that the perfectly healthy young Harward was coerced by the LDS Church into getting the CoVid vaccine and had just received an injection 8 days before the incident. Make no mistake, this is yet another vaccine casualty that is not being reported on.

Don’t forget to check out ALL of “Best” meme posts covering various GREAT RESET psyops or themes [UPDATED APRIL 10, 2022]:
COVIDsteria Psyop
COVID logic (testing, cases and more), Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 & Part 8
Vaccine logic: What vax'd & unvax'd have in common etc); Vaccine logic from rats, sheep and more, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8 & Part 9
Blackface Trudeau gets COVID, HATES honking, Part 3 & Part 4
Meet the (ex-) Health Minister of Belgium - Maggie de Block!
CNN Discovers Fat People are at Risk for COVID (Plus Brian Stelter Fat Memes)
Satire videos, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (+Ho-mala Kamala and Sleepy Joe Biden), Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8 & Part 9
Awaken With JP Videos, Part 2, Part 3 & Part 4 (Quarantine/Lockdown/2020 Advice)
RUSSIAsteria Psyop
COVID goes missing, Ukraine biolabs & Putin (COVIDsteria slayer)
Putin invades the Ukraine (Feb 28), March 18, April Fools Day & Part 4
Ukraine hypocrisy, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 & Part 5 (Russians “attack” everyone)
Random Great Reset Psyops or Noise
HOLLYWOODsteria: Best Oscar and Chris Rock Gets B*tch Slapped Memes
COVID Break: The Best Fed Memes from the "Justice for J6" Rally (How to Spot a Fed)
COVID Break: Best Let’s Go Brandon Videos (#letsgobrandonchallenge)
NOTE: While we are bombarded with woke propaganda buried into every story line from Hollywood to fiction literature these days, there is hardly any NON-WOKE satire (beyond the Babylon Bee etc) and/or fictional/satirical writing along the lines of George Orwell, Ayn Rand and the like. And besides, publishers won’t touch such material these days - meaning there is little monetary incentive for such writing…
Please feel free to support this endeavor any way you can with a small donation to keep me motivated and perhaps encourage others to do more non-woke fiction and satirical writing!
It would be better if you post by single theme or topic. Remember that most people are short on time and attention span!