HEALTH ALERT: Top 10 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes
Napping, having s*x, exercise, some new mysterious unknown element just "discovered" in the atmosphere, climate change (again) and the (still) #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).
With the sudden rise of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) and as with Monkeypox (see: HEALTH ALERT: Top Ten Ways to Protect Yourself From Monkeypox and HEALTH ALERT: Top 10 Monkeypox Protection Products to Keep You Safe at a Pride Event), I am deeply concerned about the health and safety of all my paid subscribers. I have already done one post to help you, my dear subscribers, stay safe from SADS:
HEALTH ALERT: Top 13 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes
Gardening, solar storms, sleeping positions, Putin, going to the beach, living under flight paths, sock lines, being a lonely Karen, climate change and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
It has come to my attention that the experts and the media have found even MORE causes for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. So I have put together another helpful list of top causes of SADS so you can take appropriate measures to protect yourself and members of your family.
As a reminder, I am not a big pharma salesman doctor, but neither is Bill Gates. (And IF you know of any other potential causes, let me know and drop me a link in the comments section).
Please do yourself, your family, and friends a BIG favor by sharing this post far and wide via email or on social media so we can help keep everyone safe...
And now for more causes of SADS that you need to be aware of in order to stay healthy:
10) Napping…
An American Heart Association study has found a link between frequent naps and high blood pressure - an underlying cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome:
No word yet on whether or not too much napping can cause Sudden Cat Death Syndrome:
9) Some New and Mysterious Unknown Element Just “Discovered” in the Atmosphere…
Scientists have detected a new type of “extremely reactive substance in the Earth's atmosphere that could pose a threat to human health, as well as the global climate.” And guess what? That substance can trigger the causes for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome:

So it looks like lockdowns do keep people safe because it keeps people inside and away from this scary new element in the atmosphere…
8) Post Pandemic Stress Disorder…
Speaking of lockdowns along with mask mandates from our trusted public health authorities [HEALTH ALERT: Top 12 Public Health Officials Who Epitomize Public Health], they may have come with a slight cost. It now appears that Post Pandemic Stress Disorder is causing the causes that cause Sudden Adult Death Syndrome:

7) Having S*x…
Having sex has always been potentially hazardous for causing an older person to suffer from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome…

And for causing other sorts of health problems for certain types of younger people (and dogs):
However, studies have now found that younger people are now at a serious risk for having SADS while having s*x:
6) Exercise…
Couch potatoes rejoice! Did you know that exercise (and not just s*x…) increases your risk of suffering Sudden Adult Death Syndrome?
And exercise may actually be the root cause of your arteries clotting:

You know, clotting like this:

In 2022, exercise not only causes clots, its racist and being fit is ohhh so-right wing:
So don’t feel guilty about sitting on your couch all day eating Lucky Charms…:
As George Orwell might sat, fat is healthy, ignorance is strength, and these people are healthy:

5) MSG…
That greasy Chinese takeout beloved by exercise-free couch potatoes is addictive for a reason. But now that reason has been linked to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome:
4) Dehydration…
There is also another good reason to not exercise because in 2022, that (along with hot weather caused by selfish suburban Karens who drive SUVs…) can also lead to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome causing clots:
3) Air Pollution…
You may be under the impression from the media that the air you typically breath in a western country is much healthier now than it was, let’s say, in the 1950s:
Or unless you live in third-world cities like New Delhi, that you have nothing to worry about:
However, studies have shown that children don’t need to live in New Delhi or in 1950s Los Angeles or London to suffer from conditions that could lead to Sudden Adult Child Death Syndrome:

2) Climate Change…
Air pollution is not the only thing that can kill children nowadays. As mentioned before, “experts” say "wet-bulb" conditions, which occur when relative humidity is above 95 percent and temperatures are at least 88 degrees F, are when heat and humidity can cause otherwise healthy humans to overheat and spontaneously combust:
However, climate change can also now cause Sudden Adult Infant Death Syndrome.
1) The Elephant in the Room…
Once again: While most “experts,” like doctors, public health officials, and the mainstream media, are still unable to see or sense it, there is a GIANT ELEPHANT that is almost always present with every case of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. And there is mounting evidence that this GIANT ELEPHANT is the root cause for most, if not ALL, cases of SADS.
And once again: IF you see or if common sense tells you there is a GIANT ELEPHANT in the room with a SADS case, just remember to NOT talk about or bring attention to the pachyderm with those who choose to not see or sense it as that will get you labelled a conspiracy theorist or banned on social media… Stay safe everyone!
* Tags updated as of June 6, 2023.
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COVIDsteria: An Oral History of America’s Great Reset (Table of Contents) is a fictional satire along the lines of a Studs Terkel oral history or Max Brooks' World War Z published as a serialized book on Substack while Tales From the Great Reset is our occasional satirical short-story series and BREAD&CIRCUSES posts are weekly humor roundups. In addition, check out our Community + Links to Alternative COVID & Great Reset Resources...
it might be that everything they tried to make us believe was bad for us (eggs! cholesterol! not enough exercise! coffee!) actually resulted from one or other (childhood-)vaccination. or the other way around, like polio: we got it from toxic pesticide spraying, it was made worse by an ineffective, very dangerous vaccine and it took several decades for the government to admit it (and limit the use of toxic pesticides). or even the whole HIV/AIDS delusion, thank you but-no-thank-you dr. Fauci!
In college, 33 years ago, my prof handed out a photocopied sheet of a series of news articles dating back over 50 years or so. They alternated back and forth between various "experts" and "studies" about whether salt was good for you or bad for you... It was to demonstrate that we needed to take those type of claims "with a grain of salt"... (sorry) ;-)